if the pain of knee artificial joint surgery is severe

Degenerative arthritis is a disease in which articular cartilage is damaged by aging, and as we get older, our body functions decrease, and the amount of knee cartilage that absorbs shocks and softens joint movement decreases. If cartilage decreases like this and bones between joints are hit, it can cause inflammation and pain later, and the disease that requires knee artificial joint surgery can be caused by various causes such as age, genetic tendency, obesity, joint shape, and hormones, and the timing and symptoms may vary depending on the patient.

In the early stages of the symptoms, the pain disappears when you rest, but your knees may become stiff and you may have some pain or fever, and you may feel pain when you walk around for a long time, especially when you go down the stairs. In particular, if the symptoms are left unattended, the cartilage will continue to wear and hurt even if you walk a little, and your knees may throb more at night, which can be improved by surgical treatments such as knee artificial joint surgery. This is a robotic artificial joint surgery, which can be explained as an artificial joint replacement that improves accuracy and safety using robots. It is an operation in which medical staff use robots to change damaged joints into more precisely specially made joints and restore joint function. Existing artificial joint surgery has the advantage of being able to perform more accurate surgery through 3D video simulation before proceeding. In addition, it is safer to remove only damaged bones and cartilage with an error of less than 1mm.

Especially, how medical staff can verify the form of patients’ bones in threeD stereoscopic video, but how the artificial joints are provided and the angle of the body.Also, it can be removed only if it is more sophisticated, but if robots can be less likely to save the patient bone.Also, the condition of the joints of joints in the knee, so it is safe and the bleeding can be less safe and less blood pressure, and the skin can be able to reduce the skin.There are a knee-cell injection, but this is a knee-cell injection treatment that is used to be used to be used to treatments.This is a non-operating treatment method for damage to my bone cells in my bone cells, but it helps reduce the pain of the knee joint inflammation and improvement of the knee joint inflammation.stem cells say that we configure our body, but this is a critical role to play the damage cells and can be able to develop a significant role and grow to the infinite large number of self- proliferation capabilities.This is the effectively, so please improve the hospital surgery, so please improve the hospitality without leaving the affected disease, so please improve the hospital without leaving.

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Nanuri Hospital, 485 Inju-daero, Michuhol-gu, Juan-Incheon City, Juan-Nanuri Hospital Reservation

Nanuri Hospital, 485 Inju-daero, Michuhol-gu, Juan-Incheon City, Juan-Nanuri Hospital Reservation

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